What is an account ?

Usually, on the exchange, you can have several accounts with different usages (Classical, trading, margin trading, future...), and then you have a balance for each currency.

A balance is not merely the amount you have; it could be more complicated and can have the following values :

totalReturns the total amount of the currency in this balance
availableReturns the amount of the currency in this balance that is available to trade
frozenReturns the frozen amount of the currency in this balance that is locked in a trading
loanedReturns the loaned amount of the total currency in this balance that will be returned
borrowedReturns the borrowed amount of the available currency in this balance that must be repaid
withdrawingReturns the amount of the currency in this balance that is locked in withdrawal
depositingReturns the amount of the currency in this balance that is locked in deposit