Write your strategy

Start with a minimal strategy

We start by editing my-trading-bot/src/main/java/com/mycompany/bot/SimpleStrategy.java to add some variables that we will need later: the currency pair we want to deal with, the amount and rules we will use when creating a new position.

/** Currency pair. */
private static final CurrencyPairDTO POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR=new CurrencyPairDTO(BTC,USDT);

/** Amount we take on every position - 0.001 BTC = 29,000 USD on 18th May 2022. */
private static final BigDecimal POSITION_AMOUNT=new BigDecimal("0.001");

/** Rules set for every position. */
private static final PositionRulesDTO POSITION_RULES=PositionRulesDTO.builder()

This is the corresponding code:

package com.mycompany.bot;

import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.position.PositionRulesDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.user.AccountDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyPairDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.strategy.BasicCassandreStrategy;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.strategy.CassandreStrategy;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import static tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyDTO.BTC;
import static tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyDTO.USDT;

 * Simple strategy.
public final class SimpleStrategy extends BasicCassandreStrategy {

    /** Currency pair. */
    private static final CurrencyPairDTO POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR = new CurrencyPairDTO(BTC, USDT);

    /** Amount we take on every position - 0.001 BTC = 29,000 USD on 18th May 2022. */
    private static final BigDecimal POSITION_AMOUNT = new BigDecimal("0.001");

    /** Rules set for every position. */
    private static final PositionRulesDTO POSITION_RULES = PositionRulesDTO.builder()

    public Set<CurrencyPairDTO> getRequestedCurrencyPairs() {
        return Set.of(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR);

    public Optional<AccountDTO> getTradeAccount(Set<AccountDTO> accounts) {
        // We choose the one whose name is "trade".
        return accounts.stream()
                .filter(a -> "trade".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getName()))


Add business logic

It's now time to write our business logic, we will make something simple:

  • We will store in CircularFifoQueue the last three tickers we received.
  • We add one ticker to CircularFifoQueue every minute.
  • If each of the three tickers are lower than the previous one, we create a long position.

Add this variable to our strategy:

/** Tickers list. */
private final CircularFifoQueue<TickerDTO> tickerHistory=new CircularFifoQueue<>(3);

On each received ticker (onTickersUpdates()open in new window) , we will compare the new ticker timestamp with the timestamp of the latest ticker added to CircularFifoQueue. If the difference is superior or equals to one minute, we add it to CircularFifoQueue.

This is the corresponding code:

    public void onTickersUpdates(final Map<CurrencyPairDTO, TickerDTO> tickers) {
        final TickerDTO newTicker = tickers.get(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR);
        if (newTicker != null) {
            if (tickerHistory.isEmpty() ||
                    newTicker.getTimestamp().isEqual(tickerHistory.get(tickerHistory.size() - 1).getTimestamp().plus(Duration.ofMinutes(1))) ||
                    newTicker.getTimestamp().isAfter(tickerHistory.get(tickerHistory.size() - 1).getTimestamp().plus(Duration.ofMinutes(1)))
            ) {
                // In that case, we had a new ticker to the list.

                boolean allInferior = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < tickerHistory.size() - 1; i++) {
                    boolean isInferior = tickerHistory.get(i).getLast().compareTo(tickerHistory.get(i + 1).getLast()) > 0;
                    if (!isInferior) {
                        allInferior = false;
                if (allInferior && canBuy(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR, POSITION_AMOUNT) && tickerHistory.size() == 3) {
                    final PositionCreationResultDTO positionCreationResultDTO = createLongPosition(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR,
                    if (!positionCreationResultDTO.isSuccessful()) {
                        System.err.println("createLongPosition failed " + positionCreationResultDTO.getErrorMessage());

For every new ticker, we also check if it's the moment to create the position (eg: if each of the three tickers stored are lower than the previous one).

The whole strategy

This is the code of the complete strategy:

package com.mycompany.bot;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.queue.CircularFifoQueue;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.market.TickerDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.position.PositionCreationResultDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.position.PositionRulesDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.user.AccountDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyPairDTO;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.strategy.BasicCassandreStrategy;
import tech.cassandre.trading.bot.strategy.CassandreStrategy;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import static tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyDTO.BTC;
import static tech.cassandre.trading.bot.dto.util.CurrencyDTO.USDT;

 * Simple strategy.
public final class SimpleStrategy extends BasicCassandreStrategy {

    /** Currency pair. */
    private static final CurrencyPairDTO POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR = new CurrencyPairDTO(BTC, USDT);

    /** Amount we take on every position - 0.001 BTC = 29,000 USD on 18th May 2022. */
    private static final BigDecimal POSITION_AMOUNT = new BigDecimal("0.001");

    /** Rules set for every position. */
    private static final PositionRulesDTO POSITION_RULES = PositionRulesDTO.builder()

    /** Tickers list. */
    private final CircularFifoQueue<TickerDTO> tickerHistory = new CircularFifoQueue<>(3);

    public Set<CurrencyPairDTO> getRequestedCurrencyPairs() {
        return Set.of(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR);

    public Optional<AccountDTO> getTradeAccount(Set<AccountDTO> accounts) {
        // We choose the one whose name is "trade".
        return accounts.stream()
                .filter(a -> "trade".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getName()))

    public void onTickersUpdates(final Map<CurrencyPairDTO, TickerDTO> tickers) {
        final TickerDTO newTicker = tickers.get(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR);
        if (newTicker != null) {
            if (tickerHistory.isEmpty() ||
                    newTicker.getTimestamp().isEqual(tickerHistory.get(tickerHistory.size() - 1).getTimestamp().plus(Duration.ofMinutes(1))) ||
                    newTicker.getTimestamp().isAfter(tickerHistory.get(tickerHistory.size() - 1).getTimestamp().plus(Duration.ofMinutes(1)))
            ) {
                // In that case, we had a new ticker to the list.

                boolean allInferior = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < tickerHistory.size() - 1; i++) {
                    boolean isInferior = tickerHistory.get(i).getLast().compareTo(tickerHistory.get(i + 1).getLast()) > 0;
                    if (!isInferior) {
                        allInferior = false;
                if (allInferior && canBuy(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR, POSITION_AMOUNT) && tickerHistory.size() == 3) {
                    final PositionCreationResultDTO positionCreationResultDTO = createLongPosition(POSITION_CURRENCY_PAIR,
                    if (!positionCreationResultDTO.isSuccessful()) {
                        System.err.println("createLongPosition failed " + positionCreationResultDTO.getErrorMessage());
