Create a release

Things to check before release

Create the release with Maven

You must be using ssh and not https. To switch to ssh, type :

git remote set-url origin

Check that you are on the development branch and that everything is committed:

git checkout development
git status

Start the release with:

mvn gitflow:release-start

After choosing the release number, finish the release, push branches and tags, with this command:

mvn gitflow:release-finish


Releases text

  • English: "We've just released Cassandre 5.0.7, a Spring boot starter to create and run your java crypto trading bot in minutes. Details here: URL #trading #tradingbot #crypto #bitcoin #java"
  • French: "Sortie de Cassandre 5.0.7, notre Spring Boot Starter qui permet de créer son propre bot de trading pour les cryptos en quelques minutes. Plus de détails ici : URL #trading #tradingbot #crypto #bitcoin #java"

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